Hackathon Enablement

Getting Started: Backend Repo, FrontEnd Repo, Installing project, Slack, Figma, Prototype

Problem Background:

When it comes to making change, many people believe there aren’t enough people advocating. The reality is that social equity has always had advocates, but these advocates often face barriers to civic participation and come from marginalized communities.

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What is Community Informed Design?

This hackathon will expand your perspective of community-informed design. We’re tailoring our efforts to the needs of the marginalized and addressing one of the most significant gaps between tech and local communities. MIT had found civic tech from 2010-2019 did not foster any significant impact because the problem solvers did not consider the overlapping needs of local communities when weighing in on the solutions that were being designed for them.

In order to design for change, we have to expand from User Design where levers of success are based on consumption to Community Informed Design where we can speak to levers centered on sustainability and growth within an ecosystem.

Why its Impactful:

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We accomplish this in two ways, by centering advocacy led by Intersectional communities and by automating civic engagement via their chosen storytelling channels.

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Design walkthrough .mp4

We're answering how to make civic engagement more accessible so we can amplify the voices that are impacted


We started out by acknowledging that social impact already has advocates, and centered advocacy groups in our call to action survey in 2020. It demonstrated that 66+ orgs nationally requested digital transformation in civic engagement to create legislative changes that empowered marginalized communities. We centered impact led groups across civic rights, climate justice, and mobilizing resources.